
Is Cannabis Usage Really THAT Common?

It’s no secret that the landscape surrounding recreational marijuana usage has undergone significant transformation, with shifting attitudes and changing legal frameworks across various regions.  Let’s delve into some key statistics that shed light on the prevalence and patterns of recreational marijuana consumption. According to recent surveys, the percentage of adults who have tried marijuana at […]

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Life Insurance 101

Life insurance can be a valuable financial tool for protecting your loved ones and ensuring their financial stability in the event of your death. However, understanding the basics of life insurance can be overwhelming. Here is a Life Insurance 101 guide to help you understand the key concepts and terminology.  What is life insurance? Life

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Medical Exam vs No Medical Exam

When it comes to obtaining life insurance, there are typically two options available: a policy that requires a medical exam or a policy that does not.  A life insurance policy that requires a medical exam typically offers higher coverage amounts at lower rates, though this is changing with certain carriers.  This is because the insurer

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Cannabis Frequency

When it comes to obtaining life insurance and cannabis consumption, the frequency of usage can have an impact on the rates you’re offered.  Life insurance companies typically classify cannabis users as either recreational or medicinal. Recreational users are those who use cannabis for non-medical purposes, while medicinal users use cannabis to treat a specific medical

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Cannabis Consumption Types

When it comes to life insurance and cannabis, there are a few things to consider. One of the main questions is whether vaping, smoking, or consuming edibles will affect your life insurance policy. Let’s take a closer look at each method of cannabis consumption and its potential impact on life insurance, but as always… be

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Cannabis Life Insurance FAQ’s

Cannabis use is becoming more accepted and legalized in many states, and as a result, more people are wondering how it affects their life insurance policies. Here are some frequently asked questions about cannabis use and life insurance. Do I have to disclose my cannabis use on my life insurance application? YES!   You should disclose

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